Dongdaemun Market, (DDM)
it is a very famous place which almost every Korean has been to.
Especially for international tourists, we can see them visiting Dongdaemun and Myungdong often.
In DDM, there are two major markets; department stores (Doota, Miliore, apM, etc) and traditional market.
Dongdaemun Fashion town Tourism Zone, which just signed an MOU with OJWorld ‘Weegle’, is a council of DDM and they are taking care of external promotions and most of official communications come from here when any kinds of DDM’s information is requested.
They secure the profits of their stores, promote their policy and more.
Currently, the online sales are getting larger. Most of those online stores get their merchandise from DDM and resell them online. That is, passive online sale is making most of the DDM stores harder to approach online trade market.
That’s why DDM Fashion Town Tourism Zone and Weegle had the MOU.
Without depending on other retail shops or peddlers, DDM stores can be the leaders of opening the way to global markets.
Weegle is advancing to global markets based on Middle-east region, and DDM needed Weegle since they were looking for such business. Both parties are having big expectations on this partnership to be a win-win situation. Regarding Weegle and its plans, both of them are considered to be able to grow bigger together.
Of course, don’t forget that Cube Chain will be applied to Weegle and allow users to trade or make payment!
Cheers for 46,000 stores in DDM entering Global Markets!
Weegle, a messenger applied Cube Chain, has just now stepped forward to make a new way for DDM store to get to global market. We expect that at MY SHOP in Weegle app, global services will be available starting from Middle-east regional countries.
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