[EN] Announcement of Postponement of Crowdfunding Schedule





Announcement of Postponement of Crowdfunding Schedule


With the growing interest in Cube Chain around the world, pre-sale is ongoing. Please understand that we are inevitably postponing the Crowdfunding schedule by requesting extension of the pre-sale period in one of the countries.


New Crowdfunding Schedule: June 30th 10:00AM (UTC+8)


Please keep in mind that all other major events will remain unchanged, so please continue to support our Cube Chain.
Thank you.



Cube Chain



Official Site     : http://cubechain.io

YouTube          : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYDEC2HP8oVRXuKsAeUtrLA

Telegram         : https://t.me/joinchat/GpHbwQ3NGztrj8ZcwJjg_g

Facebook         : https://www.facebook.com/cubechain

Twitter             : https://www.twitter.com/cube_chain