Cube Chain에서 최신 소식 전해드립니다.
큐브체인을 적용한 메신저 위글이 동대문 패션 상권의 글로벌 마켓 진출을 위한 판로 개척에 나섰습니다.
위글 내 판매 상점인 My Shop 에 동대문 상사 전용 상점을 구축하여 글로벌 서비스를 진행할 수 있을것으로 예측됩니다.
이번에 위글과 MOU를 채결한 (사)동대문 패션타운 관광특구협의회에 등록되어있는 상점은 약 46,000여 상점으로 글로벌 진출을 기대해봅니다.
DDF를 큐브체인의 지갑(Wallet)과 연동하여, 신속하고 투명한 거래를 가능하게 합니다!
기사 원문 보기 : https://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=008&aid=0004191533
OJWorld (CEO Seo, Chul-wook) has announced on 20th March, 2019 that they signed an MOU with Council of Dongdaemun Fashion Town Tourism Zone (CDFTZ)(Chairman Park, Junghyeon) on 19th March to make their headway into global market .
OJWorld is a company developed next generation messenger ‘Weegle’ which contains △Mobile store ‘My Shop’, △Mobile Home-shopping ‘T-Commerce’, △Easy payment service, and so on.
Through this MOU, both parties are constructing an exclusive market for Dongdaemun stores (DDF) at ‘My Shop’ in Weegle.
OJWorld prepared various systems for DDF. They provide latest coordination info, domestic and overseas famous celebrities’ fashion info, local market info, and so on to DDF stores. They also offer automatic store recommendation function that activates when user registers wishing product info. Moreover, sellers can introduce their products through Weegle’s ‘T-Live’ and T-Video’ in real time.
An official from OJWorld mentioned “Weegle has mobile purchase system for buyers” and “this will affect both buyers and sellers at the same time”.
Also, for fast and clear trade, Weelge has integrated DDF with Cube Chain’s Wallet. Cube Chain is a promising blockchain company.
Seo Chul-wook, CEO of OJWorld, said “This agreement will be a footstone of introducing Dongdaemun’s outstanding fashion brand to global market”.
Park Junghyeon said “Members of our Dongdaemun Fashion Tourism Zone would be more than excited to have this opportunity to activate the market and to enter global market”.