[EN] Block Chain Based a second-hand luxury Trading Platform



It is very difficult to demonstrate the quality of the goods in the P2P market. Many people suffer from costly purchases of fake or inferior products. How can we solve these problems?




Starting with this concern, Cube systems build block chain based systems that certification authenticity and quality, creating a world where honest product trading ecosystems can be achieved.






Now, our P2P a second-hand luxury trading platform is the final stage, and we are currently conducting a real product transaction test! We will soon launch a service in the form of a used luxury.

If a lot of problems have been caused by the lack of a safety device to guarantee quality or authenticity when trading expensive items.  But if you use cube chains platform, will see a platform for trading used luxury goods that were not seen before.





Aren’t you looking forward to our platform?
For more information, see the interview of CEO Kim Dong-oh, the cube chain.
Thank you.



[EN] *Interview* Dongoh Kim, CEO of Cube System “Block Chain Based Trading Platform”

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