[EN] Dongoh Kim, Cube Chain CEO, delivered his speech on Blockchain Summit Korea 2018


Cube Chain is a special blockchain that has cubing technology, data alignment, statistical processing and escrow functionality. We are developing ASM, a smart agent that various companies can get real contracts with chatbot service using AI and Big Data. Second is Cubechat, a messenger that P2P transactions can be made securely.


Official Site     : http://cubechain.io
YouTube          : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYDEC2HP8oVRXuKsAeUtrLA
Telegram         : https://t.me/joinchat/GpHbwQ3NGztrj8ZcwJjg_g
Facebook         : https://www.facebook.com/cubechain
Twitter             : https://www.twitter.com/cube_chain