[EN] ASM – Corporate Call Center is changed to AI Chatbot


ASM, AI call center service for corporation, is Chat-bot service which big data and blockchain technology are combined and can provide optimal customized information to the customers automatically.

Customers can use it 24/7, and it is much faster than the existing call center. That can improve customer satisfaction. This service can save costs and increase the efficiency of corporation. Based on tons of conversation data, once analysis algorithms are made which analyze conversation patterns and rules of users, it works by answering questions that are in this range automatically. Recently, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Technology are applied together with the Chatbot to raise the accuracy of the answers. In Korea, banks are a step ahead of investment securities.

ASM can be specialized in the area of communication services. On ASM, you can apply for products such as deposits, loans, insurance, cards, etc. that are recommended while performing online banking in real time. Since these smart contracts are generated its information as it is within the blockchain that supports ASM, therefore it is securely authenticated. All users on CubeON platform can participate in the ASM of Cube Chain, the companies can maintain the upgraded ASM through rewarding tokens to their participants being joined ASM.



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