[EN] Social Data Analysis Work for Participant in Cube Chain System


Personalized services and social services raise to reconfigure the existing internet service environment. That is an attempt to transform  internet system, which focused on searching and portal into an environment. It changes whole service system like communication, games, music, searching and shopping, etc.

The scale-out technology is more important than scale-up. The technology of data processing beyond OLPT is significant at the volume of processing requirements, storage size and complicated functions that analyzing relationships among individuals and personal preference.

Due to the universalization of the mobile environment, there become many changes in the source environment, where the existing data is generated and consumed. Users’ information about location and movements are needed to track and store. Cloud-based information processing technology is realized to guarantee for the mobility between devices such as smartphones, PCs, and TVs. CubeON platform is designed to provide a large amount of data in accordance with the increasing trend of IT environment of IT environments such as Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) represented by cloud computing. Storage, processing, and servicing will be possible at an appropriate investment level.


Official Site:     http://cubechain.io

Whitepaper:     http://cubechain.info/assets/file/Technical-White-Paper_EN.pdf

YouTube:          https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYDEC2HP8oVRXuKsAeUtrLA

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Blog:               https://cubechainblog.com

ANN:               https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3754152.new#new

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